
Money Reiki Workshop Reviews & Certification

Money Reiki helps heal the negative or limiting energies that people collect about money and gently yet powerfully aligns one’s own energy with that of money, wealth and abundance. Money Reiki Healing deals specifically with Universal money energy, helping you receive, spend and manage money more consciously and efficiently for the highest good of all. Money Reiki Healing Energy helps raise the consciousness of money on the planet by creating global energy shifts surrounding money. Money Reiki Healing is a form of distance energy healing and can be done for anyone no matter where they are in the world. Course Content Level 1/Practitioner Day 1 Introduction to Money Reiki How Money Reiki is Different.... Money Reiki and the Energetic System Day 2 Positive Thinking vs. Positive Feeling More About Money Energy How Money Reiki Affects the Planet Day 3 Money Reiki Symbol - Dollar Day 4 How to Use Money Reiki Day 5 Money Reiki Treatments Money Reiki for Yourself Making a Money Magnet Day 6 M

Akashic Records Workshop Reviews & Certification

Akashic records are known to be a hall or library where the information and wisdom of every soul is kept. Through studying this course, you will learn more about the records and how you can access and interpret them for yourself and others. Course Content  Day 1 What are Akashic Records Day 2 What is Akasha  Day 3 Why People Read Akashic Records Day 4 The Hall or Library Day 5 The Soul Book  Day 6 Past Present and Future Lives Day 7- 8 Astral Projection Day 9 Angel or Spiritual Being Help  Day 10 Prayer  Day 11-12 Tips for Accessing Akashic Records How To Hone Your Clair Skill set  Day 13 Doubts and Trust  Day 14-15 Where does my Soul come From  Day 16-17 What Have I been Training in between Lifetimes Day 18-19 What Have I Come Here To Contribute Day 20 Seven Realms Day 21 Soul Group of Origins. Day 22 Reading Others Record  Day 23 Energetic Protection And Management Day 24 Other Practices To Improve Your Reading Day 25 Shadow Work  Day 26 Deep Listening Day 27 -30 Case Study 1 -3 Ee -

Lama Fera Healing Certification And Reviews

Lama Fera Healing Practitioner Workshop Lama Fera Lama-Fera is an ancient practice practiced in Himalayas in Buddhist monasteries which make use of energy to heal. People benefit from its emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. The practice entails calling on Lord Buddha for any healing situation. The healing energy from Buddha is transferred to the healer down to the person in need of healing. Differences with other healing systems What sets Lama-Fera apart from other energy healing technique is that no laying of hands is required. The healer only acts as a channel for Lord Buddha to pass through and heal the person. Lama-Fera healing periods can be shorter when performed in monasteries than Reiki style traditional method, but have to be preformed repeatedly for a sequence to be complete. Course Content Day 1 Introduction and Benefits Day 2 Tool kit for Lama Fera Healing Day 3 Description of 7 chakras Day 4 Lama Fera Healing Symbol 1 - Aluma Lama Fera Healing Symbol 2-  Ammen. Day

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Reviews And Certification

This CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) course takes a comprehensive, practitioner level look at the topic of CBT teaching you just the essentials you need to know to help people change their lives. It teaches CBT therapy skills which can help to treat anxiety, depression, addictions and a variety of other problems presented in counselling and psychotherapy like anger, self-esteem and confidence. This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) course teaches the skills required for those wishing to learn Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for self-help, and for those wishing to learn CBT for therapy and counselling. This course is ideal for counsellors, NLP practitioners, hypnotherapists and life coaches who want to add Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to their toolbox of skills and techniques Course Content Day 1 How Can CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Help? Day 2  Development of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Day 3 CBT With Children Day 4 CBT With Couples & Families Day 5 CBT in the Workp

Energy & Sound Healing Workshop Reviews & Certification

Energy Healing This is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. This course will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Course Content Day 1 What Is Possible with Energy Healing Day 2 Mindsets and Preparation : A Brief History of Energy Healing Day 3 The Basics of Chakra Mechanics Day 4 Layers of the Energy Body Day 5 3rd Eye Concentration Exercise Day 6 4 Components of Running Energy Day 7 Your Two Main Techniques Day 8 Before your Session : Setting Boundaries Day 9 - Process 1 - Dust off Day 10 Dust Off : Chakra Work and Closing Day 11-15 - Process 2 - Full session Setting Intention Grounding the Client Combing the Aura Main Clearing Creative Clearing Closing A Session Day 16 Distance Healing Course 2 - Sound Healing Day 17 What Is Sound Healing Exactly? Day 18 Sound Plus Intentio

Life Coaching Workshop Reviews And Certification

Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.  The life coaching industry has grown quickly and the rate of future growth is expected to be around 13 to 15 percent between 2016 and 2026. Course Content Day 1 Introduction to Being a Life Coach Day 2 Stepping the Stones with Your Clients (Coach) Day 3 Conditioning: Childhood Influences (Client) Day 4 Day 5 Childhood Influences and Roles (Coach) Day 6 Passion and Interest (Client) Day 7 Passions and Interests (Coach) Day 8 Talents and Skills (Client) Day 9 Talents and Skills (Coach ) Day 10 Personality (Client) Day 11 Pers