Hypnotherapy Workshop - Reviews And Certification
Hypnotherapy Workshop Hypnosis is usually considered an aid to counseling or therapy, because the hypnotic state allows people to explore painful thoughts, feelings, and memories they might have hidden from their conscious minds. In addition, hypnosis enables people to perceive some things differently, such as blocking an awareness of pain. Course Content Day 1 What is hypnosis and State of Trance Day 2 How State of Trance Occurs Day 3 Trance Loop and Experience. Day 4 Trance Induction Process Day 5 Trance Induction and Deepeners Day 6 *Trance Induction Demonstration* Day 7 What is Fractanation Day 8 Fractanation Demonstration Day 9 The Ladder of Inference Day 10 Transference and Counter Transference. Day 11 Understanding Hypnotic Language Day 12 Presupposition in Language Day 13 What is Pre Loading Day 14 Pre Loading Demonstration Day 15 The Drop down Through and Ideo Dynamic Model . Day 16 Deep Trance Identification Day 17 Deep Trance Demonstration Day 18 The Head , Heart , Gut Te